I Dig stories – The Friend that I didn’t choose
Third release from the Digital Stories made in Budapest 2016. The video “The Friend that I didn’t choose” is a creation of Christelle Loukitch, a colleague from Vardakeios.
The video tells the story of the ups and downs of a lifelong relationship with an unexpected friend. It is a story of passions, perseverance and patience. A story about friendship. It shows how integration and inclusion can become real through the magic of sharing music and culture.
The video is available on iDigStories YouTube dedicated channel HERE, together with other videos which have been released in the project.
Prepare for next Monday video release, “My Day in Iceland” is on its way to comeā¦ so stay connected, register & subscribe to our web facilities on YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE+ and LINKEDIN
remember, please, that all video are licensed under Creative Commons. It means you are free to share our videos with your contacts, & send us feedback, comments, & likes.