Stories Educational Learning Facilities
The project has been funded by the Eu Commission, Indire Italian National Agency within the Erasmus+ programme Cooperation for innovation & the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships for adult education.
A practical ‘shortcut’ guide to running a DST workshop
A methodological Guide to the Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling (DST) refers to a short form of digital film-making that allows participants to share aspects of their life story originating a digital narration on personal, social, intercultural and intergenerational topics. It is a new practice of ordinary people who use digital tools to tell their personal ‘story’ (digital narratives), often producing a in compelling and emotionally engaging formats.
Because of the growing numbers of videos which have been produced during the project, they are presented divided into folder related to the presentation of the project itself; the video produced during the LTTA training event; the video produced around Europe during the workshops. If you are interested to share your own digital storytelling video, please contact us at: ideas@19.coop

3 new ids-videos from the project Healthnic
"HEALTHNIC Healthy and ethnic diet for inclusion” is a 2-year Erasmus+ funded project that promotes healthy eating based on traditional food from different ethnic cuisines. The main target groups come from various backgrounds including refugees, immigrants, long-term...
Project final evaluation: 98/100
Diciannove as coordinating organization received a couple of days ago the evaluation of Indire, the italian National Agency of the Erasmus+ program the final evaulation has been very positive, as we score 98/100 ... almost the best possible rate. As we expressed in...
And the winner is… Scuola Primaria G. Mameli di Recco
FAI, Italian Fund for the Environment, rewards the digital story made by the class 5D of the G. Mameli primary school from Recco (GE) The winner of the "Scegli l’Italia" contest, promoted by FAI (Italian Fund for Environment), has been announced. The winning story was...
no event

Diciannove soc Coop
Diciannove counts 10 associated members, plus various indipendent collaborators. It was established in 2005 as an ICT cooperative company focused to support organizations active in social issues, and it is nowadays active in north Italy
Anthropolis Association
Anthropolis is a public benefit non-profit association, founded in 2002. The organisation intends to strengthen institutional background of education and social and visual anthropological research
Vardakeios School of Ermoupolis
Vardakeios School of Ermoupolis started its activities in adult education eleven years ago and at least 600 students have attended one or more language courses so far
Zoe Cooperative was found in 1997 in La Spezia. Its work concernes the management of La Spezia’s civic museums’ cultural services, by cooperating with the institutions for the planning and the accomplishment of didactic projects addressed to schools and free users.
Danmar Computers LLC
Danmar Computers LLC is a private company operating in the field of Information Technology and providing vocational training in this field. Danmar has an extensive experience in developing modern Web and mobile applications that are used for educational purposes.
Liverpool World Centrer
Liverpool World Centre (LWC) exists to make world issues relevant to the lives of young people.