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Guide to Digital StoryTelling RELEASED

Just as planned, the end of the summer season brought in the Guide to Digital Story Telling. The Guide has been written by the colleagues DávidBán and Balázs Nagy from Athropolis (HU), with the support and feedback of all project partners, and with specific contributions by Jason Ward and Andrea Bullivant from Liverpool World Centre (UK), and by Paolo Brusa and Federica Cadeddu from Diciannove (IT)

The result is a comprehensive Methodological Guide to the Digital Storytelling. The thematics in which the guide has developed are:

1. Seven billion digital stories

2. Storytelling in culture

3. The origins of Digital Storytelling
4. Fields of use:

4.1 digital-storytelling in education
4.2 digital-storytelling in museum
4.3 digital-storytelling in the media

5. Special cases: Digital storytelling and its effects

5.1 digital-storytelling in trauma recovery
5.2 digital-storytelling in the educational communities
5.3 digital-storytelling in the community building
5.4 digital-storytelling in the topic of work and employment
5.5 improving self-images in case of problems of communication and/or

6. Digital storytelling in practice

6.1 The role of the trainer
6.2 Participants
6.3 The structure of the digital storytelling training
6.4 The digital storytelling workshop step by step
In addiction, the Guide offers various practical annexes: a sample
Script and Storyboard; the working Scheme to run a DST Workshop based on
24 hours, or three days session; various links for the digital
storytelling and bibliographic references; a sample of the the consent

The Guide, which constitute the second Intellectual Output of the project, is licensed under Creative Commons License By-Nd-Nc (Attribution – No derivative – No Commercial).  In the forthcoming weeks, a translation of the guide will be available for both direct access and free download in Italian, Greek, Polish and Hungarian.

You can download the Guide here.