11 gen. 2016 – I dig stories is now officially online
I dig stories is now officially online. The present web platform represents the first project outputs: it is build to become more & more interactive during the progress of the project implementation.
The platform launch is embellished and boosted with a special opening Digital Stories Video that will introduce you to our work.
At the moment the platform activated sections offer:
- project: including the abstract with the project presentation
- stories: offering a brief introduction to the Digital Story Telling praxis and some previously-released videos
- news: showing the updates on the project implementation process together with the agenda of the upcoming events
- partners: displaying the partner organizations
The platform also offers direct links to the available social media. To be updated on the implementation of the methodological guide, on the toolkit, on the new videos, on the local workshops and events, register on the platform newsletter & follow us on twitter, google+, Facebook & Linked in