Experiential workshops
In last months, the experiential workshops were completed in the different Eu countries involved in the project; the video that were produced during these workshops will soon be available online. The first two DST video are from Zoe and are available on the video...
Publication of the methodological guide
The project "the Dig Stories - stories educational learning facilities" keeps on with its activities & publication of the methodological guide Digital storytelling. The version so far available are: in English: both for ONLINE CONSULTATION as a FREE DOWNLOAD in...
Guide to Digital StoryTelling RELEASED
Just as planned, the end of the summer season brought in the Guide to Digital Story Telling. The Guide has been written by the colleagues DávidBán and Balázs Nagy from Athropolis (HU), with the support and feedback of all project partners, and with specific...
Following the working process of the project, the partnership scheduled a third meeting that will take place on 7th and 8th of October 2016 in La Spezia (IT). The project will be hosted by ZOE and will focus on the following issues: * evaluation and implementation of...
After the Short Term Training Events that took place in Budapest in April, all partners focused their activities on two main issues: the writing and shaping of the Methodological Guide, and on the preparation for the workshops that will locally reproduce the Digital...
Ready for the Methodological Guide on Digital Story Telling
The project partners are proud to announce that the writing of the Methodological Guide to Digital Story Telling has been closed. The Guide has been written by David Ban and Balazs Nagy from Anthropolis (HU) in collaboration with Jason Ward and Andrea Bullivant from...
Tenth release from the Digital Stories made in Budapest 2016. The video “Multipolis – A Generative Approach to Care Work” was created by Paolo Brusa, project coordinator from Diciannove.
The video tells the story of holistic approach to care-work in group-sessions. A story of what we can learn by playing. It is a story on participation, methodology, learning and share of experience. A story on how we can all favor a process of recovering of our inner...
Nineth release from the Digital Stories made in Budapest 2016. The video “My fear of flying” was created by Malgorzata Miklosz, a colleague from Danmar Computers.
The video tells the story on the fear of flying. On how it might arise, on the serious effect and high psychological costs it might have on our daily life. It is a story on how to cope with it, on how to overcome own fears, because beside fear, each individual can...
Eighth release from the Digital Stories collection made in Budapest 2016. The video “My dream workplace” was created by Lukasz Klapa, a colleague from Danmar Computers.
The video tells the story of the different perspective that work might take. A story on what is really important within a professional career: warm and caring colleagues, carefulness, share, values, reciprocity, mutual attention and friendship. The video is available...
Seventh release from the Digital Stories made in Budapest 2016. The video “Rolling with my Punches ” was created by Jason Ward, a colleague from Liverpool World Center.
The video tells the story of drama, recovery & joy. A story on what might go wrong in life, and on the power of recovery. It is a story on the strength arising from the magic of a newborn, on how love can transform even the hardest time into moments of sweetness,...