Telling stories to grow
Digital storytelling as a tool of knowledge and cohesion
We are eager to invite you to the digital storytelling workshop that’s going to take place on the 22nd of June at 4 pm in the Centro Allende in La Spezia.
The aim of this workshop is to share with you the experience gathered during the european project IDigStories – stories educational learning (occhio che manca una “a” anche nella versione italiana) facilities and to explore the potentiality of digital storytelling when used by different kinds of participants: may they be a single person or a group, adults or children.
During this meeting various stories born through this work will be presented, our experiments, the story of a class, the narration of a village dealing with its traditions and the stories, real and made-up, that have been realised musselers who were influenced by the photos of the archive of the Friendly Society Unione Fraterna.
The archive, that was recently digitalised, will be presented during the meeting, at the end of which the participants will be able to request some images to create their story with.
The workshop is part of the activities aimed to spread the results of the european project “i Dig Stories – stories educational learning facilities”.